Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Develop is a games developer’s magazine. This magazine is mainly aimed at aspiring developers, age range 17-30. The front cover features a well known and very creative game, this will appeal to their audience as most up and coming games developers would love to be on the media molecule team.

There is a lot of text on this cover; aligned right of the main image and under both the mast head and the main image. The mast head is separate from the image. Also develop includes advertising on it’s cover, this is rare as advertising on front usually means advertising inside.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Jersey Gallery magazine is a free print and is aimed at a verity of people; it’s mainly a fashion magazine aimed towards fairer sex, but there are also many articles aimed at teenage boys which follow a more comedic style. Gallery magazine is aimed at Jersey’s youth.

Gallery uses a graphical image as the need to relate isn’t a primary concern due to it being an already well established independent magazine.

This cover is extremely simplistic the sub text blends into the main image and the masthead is separate from the picture. There is some small text at the top of the print, stating the issue number and date of release

This image portrays all of the main codes and conventions of a magazine front cover. It lists all the main requirements of a cover, although all do not need to be met, as my other examples show. The most important parts of the cover are; the mast head, cover line and the main image and there position on the page.